Mission Statement

Wecare. offers care, support and accommodation, our objective is to provide the best possible care and support for those we work with. We aim for young people in our care to transition into adulthood and lead fulfilling and purposeful lives.

Statement of Purpose

  • Provide a safe home that young people feel proud of
  • Provide a safe environment where young people can reflect on their experiences, stabilise their behaviour, regain control and find coping mechanisms.
  • Provide an environment in which young people can develop physically, intellectually, psychologically and socially.
  • Provide a supportive environment to enable young people, to assess themselves realistically and determine their own rights, with guidance.
  • To work alongside colleagues and other agencies to build strong relationships with young people and their families (if appropriate).
  • To provide access to external resources and agencies as considered necessary by individual pathway plans.
  • To support young people in times of crisis through the path to independent living.
  • When appropriate, offer specialised support and counselling from experienced staff who will encourage and enable young people to achieve and move into independent living.
  • To ensure our service is of high quality and to promote young people’s participation in the development of the service.
  • To ensure young people have support, information and access to health and other relevant organisations to meet their needs.
  • To ensure the staff team is equipped with the experience, qualifications, knowledge and skills to deliver a quality service to young people.
  • To enable young people to become independent by offering a high level of emotional support and practical help in health, education, employment issues, cooking, property and tenancy support, budgeting and household tasks.
  • To access and develop suitable accommodation across the region for care leavers, which may otherwise be out of their reach.

  • To utilise the most relevant and up to date research, resources, policy and guidelines on care leavers and young people issues to facilitate the best outcomes for the young people.

  • To provide practical help with healthy cooking and eating.

  • To ensure young people stay physically active and engaged with sports.

  • To provide Local Authorities with cost-effective services which reduce fees for young people as they gain independence.

  • To provide Local Authorities with cost-effective services which reduce fees for young people as they gain independence.

  • We ensure that we provide a quality service at a competitive price.