WeCare. provides a specifically targeted programme for pregnant young women, mothers and young fathers. The programmes are delivered in groups and individual sessions to enable young parents to care for their children within the community.

WeCare will support young parents or parents to be, to help them learn the skills needed to parent their baby successfully and to become more independent young adults. We aim to address the individual needs of each young parent through individual packages of support, determined according to their age and needs, in order to promote their life skills.

WeCare. ensure that the needs of the young parents are addressed in order to assist and support them in meeting the needs of their child. Its important young parents are assisted so that they are aware of their responsibilities for their baby and how to prioritise their needs alongside those of their baby.

Our overall aim is to ensure that the needs of the baby are paramount to all concerned. Our view is that the baby’s welfare must be protected at all times, and we recognise that at times the needs of the Young Person will conflict with the needs of their baby. We aim to ensure that the baby’s welfare is safeguarded, whilst also enabling and supporting Young People to learn from their experiences.

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